I told the folks back home that I would return when I had seen all one could see.
I'm by no means in a rush to return, especially after I learned there is an entire four-year university downtown.
As Gnomes, we figure that an educated community is a solid community, and there are so many options in Tacoma.
Imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from . Mr. Fry lectures at this fine University on topics related to computers, working with computers and living with computers.
Apparently he found my site to be, um, "hyper-local", (I believe that it means I'm excited about a local area). So he invited me to speak at the front of his class.
I had a great time answering intelligent questions from him and his students. Mr. Fry was very hospitable, and gave me a brief tour of campus, as well as a brief history about the land upon which it lives. His students have quite a collections of blogs, which can be found on his blog as well: Living and Working in a Virtual World.
Quite a beautiful view, even with the overcast sky.
One of the other guest lectures that day was a person who only goes by the name tacomachickadee. She, too, is one of these "hyper-local" bloggers. I enjoyed her presence and the conversations we had about blogging without using our real names. I, for one, have been quite open (since a conversation over on a Tacoma discussion board) that I am from Norway, my name is Gadsby Glasrud.
Oh, I digress.
This is a surprising spot on campus where if you stand a bit to the left or right of the "X" and speak towards the "Tacoma cone", then step upon the "X" and speak, you will be quite surprised.
Thank you, Mr. Fry, for being a gracious host. I sincerely enjoyed speaking with your class and sharing lunch. I have never had Japanese food before, and I certainly enjoyed the soup and, soo-shi. Quite tasty, and it was nice to not catch the fish myself. My children will be surprised that I ate raw fish from a foreign land in a foreign land.
And, a big thank you to Jenny at zestyenterprise.com. You are an excellent hostess, and I appreciated getting to meet you and your wonderful husband. Imagine my surprise yesterday when he was in the newspaper!
I must run, so many more places to see ...
Until Next Time,
You are most welcome, Gadsby.
Tacoma is such a lovely town, Gadsby. It's amazing how this wee blog-land-- and maybe as wee real-land, is so intertwined. I look forward to see what you'll be seeing next.
It was my pleasure in having you visit, Gadsby, as it was for the students as well. I am looking forward to hearing of all your future adventures in T-Town.
It is the biggest littlest town in the Northwest. Everyone knows each other.
It is certainly not that way in other parts of your region.
Thank you to jenny and andrew also.
Here's to more adventure!
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