This worry was quickly overcome when I found the reserved section for speakers was in the front row.
Oh! By the way, Mr. Freitas has put the videos of this all here, should you want to see what went on. Yours truly is mentioned in the "A Basic Introductory Tour Through Notable Blogs" video.
Andrew Fry opened this 8th annual conference and introduced my new friend, Congressman Adam Smith.
The first panel consisted of Kathy Gill of the University of Washington, Matt Rosenberg of the Cascadia Prospectus, and Mr. David Zeeck, Executive Editor of the Tacoma News Tribune. I was excited to see Mr. Zeeck in person, as my first photo away from the garden included a News Tribune. Oh, over my right shoulder is Mr. Mark Briggs, also of the TNT. He is moderating a session on how Blogging has transformed the news.
I'd have to say that blogging has certainly made it easier for me to inform my relatives in Norway of any new news in seconds, rather than waiting the months that it used to take using the post.
After the press section, Mr. Fry gave a presentation highlighting some blogs of note.
This is how I felt as he presented TacomaGnome:
Though I shouldn't let my ego get too large, as I am just a simple woodland Gnome who has the fortunate position of being part of your community for a short while.
Thank you.
Until Next Time,
1 comment:
You certainly do get around. Perhaps we should meet sometime ... anyway, I was recently tagged for a meme and thought it only right to include another gnome.
Each tagged person must post 8 random facts or habits about themselves on their blog. At the end of the post, choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to let them know. Have fun.
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