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26 December, 2007

A call from the city (one-day internship)

It's not every day I get a call from people on the blog ... but shortly after this morning's post, I received a call from the city's spokesperson ... he was down one office person today due to a birthday, and asked that I come down a fill in for a bit.

I was a bit surprised, and inquired as to why I would be as fortunate to fill in for a few hours. It seems like Tacoma Booster and business communication person Roxanne Murphy took the time off today to celebrate her birthday! I wish her the best, and to my judgment, she's probably about 25 or 26, and a gentle, sweet person. Both Mr. McNair-Huff and Ms Murphy are avid fans of these pages, so he felt this would be a natural fit.

I rarely ask my forest friends for help here in the city, but I was needed and hitched a ride over with one of the deer I met previously in the Puget Creek Restoration area.

I waited for Mr. McNair-Huff. While he was finishing up his phone call, I read the City of Tacoma Vision statement.
The City of Tacoma will be recognized as a livable and progressive international city, regarded for the richness of its multi-cultural population and its natural setting.
What a wonderful ideal. I have found this to be a vibrant city with an emerging identity and the diversity between areas is amazing.

I was given my own temporary spot on the work board. I signed in and was ready to examine my temporary workspace.

As you can see this, I think Mr. McNair-Huff called it a 'cubicle', sports Tacoma pride. The "You'll Like Tacoma" poster, from what I understand, is popular. So much so that the slogan has its own song. Our friends at GritCity had some things to say about the poster earlier this year.

I positioned myself in perhaps the most comfortable chair I have had the pleasure of sitting in since I left Norway. From this perch I can see the hustle and bustle of St. Helen's street. All sorts of creative and interesting people go in and out of the businesses across the way. The juxtaposition of which, I am told, is rather interesting.

I was ready for any emergency that might emerge in the world of City and business relations. I waited in anticipation for the next news release to write or Seattle business to contact so I could woo them here with my enthusiasm and love of this city.

After five minutes, I continued exploring this 'cubicle'.

I became enthralled with all the posters, from I Love Tacoma stickers, skiing slope maps, to this handy Pierce Transit main route map for the city. Certainly resources that Ms Murphy needs in the day to day operations of her position.

I believe that Mr. McNair-Huff heard me roaming through the cubicle, as after just an hour or so he came by.

Apparently, this being the day after Christmas and all, there was really not much work to be done. So he bid me farewell, after donning my head with a fine TAGRO hat.

My hopes were dashed, but I found a new appreciation of Ms Murphy's position within the city. I hope her birthday went well.

When I returned to my living space, there was another e-mail for another internship, which I will go to tomorrow and be sure to post about it early next week.

Until Next Time,

PS Readers might recall that a local columnist named Natasha Gorbachev recently posted a column regarding yours truly. Responses came from Exit133 and GritCity. If you see Miss Gorbachev please remind her that there is a pizza dinner on the line, should she be told who I am. I also ask that she abide by the requests both bloglications made in relation to my official travel logger's identity. It be fair to invite me along, as I am just a simple garden Gnome.


NineInchNachos said...

Zoiks, I'll submit to a TAcomaGnome interview in exchange for one of those TAGRO hats!

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Two days ago I had fun with this site:
[url=] - Wii Live Tournaments[/url]
They say you can play online Football game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only and but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?