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13 September, 2007

Sweet tooth beckons

After looking at the Tacoma Dome, I felt like a bit of a treat.

Where else but at Brown and Haley's factory store?

So many choices ...

But, with the help of my new friend, I chose the Candy Cane Roca. No nuts, but I'll be okay. It's like crunchy butter wrapped in minty chocolate.

It's a great place for candy.

Until next time,


Elle said...

you bought Candy Cane Roca and didn't leave any for me? See if I let you go on vacation again.

Tacoma Gnome said...


You received my message.


I had saved some of the tasty goodness for you ... Julius ate most of it, then not Julius (can never remember the other fine feline's familiar) polished it off.

I deeply apologize for the mishap.

Gifts are important, and will be given should another vacation occur.

Lena said...


I'm glad you are rewarding your sweet tooth!

A Room to Grow said...

Tacoma Gnome,

It's good to see you again. I'm glad that you are enjoying the sights of Tacoma. I wish I could have taken you around San Diego when you flew into the US, but your port of entry was Los Angeles.

Your penpal,